Adding Jasmine autocomplete to Intellij IDEA

So, recently i started to learn Javascript and for unit testing i took Karma + Jasmine. But i faced with one problem - in Intellij IDEA there was no autocomplete for Jasmine and all functions were marked as non-existing ones. After some googling i finally managed to find the solution. Here's what you need to do :

  1. Open Preferences
  2. Go to Languages & Frameworks and select Javascript
  3. Click on Libraries under it
  4. Click Download button and select TypeScript comminity stubs option from the drop down.
  5. After that use search to find jasmine package. ( just start typing and it will find it for you)
  6. Click Download and Install button and you're all set.

After that just save your changes and your jasmine code will be recognised by IDEA without any problem.

Happy coding.