1. Docker selenium grid optimal configuration

    Not so long time ago i was doing some research on how to make our Selenium tests to run in Grid. After some googling, i decided to try to run Selenium grid in Docker. All images can be found on Official Github page. But how to decide which configuration will…

  2. Thread safe singleton in Java

    When we think about signleton, we think about something similar to this : public class OurClass { private static OurClass _instance; public static synchronized OurClass getInstance() { if (_instance == null) { _instance = new OurClass(); } return _instance; } But there's this synchronized word that makes code a bit slower. Before i thought that this is the…

  3. Magical fix for vagrant "Net::HTTPNotFound: No gems found matching" error

    I was trying to make work one vagrant + selenium grid setup and faced with next problem : Net::HTTPNotFound: No gems found matching "vagrant-vmware-fusion" "2.4.1" nil After some googling i found a magical fix for it. Are you ready? Just try to install plugin one…

  4. Better option for common Java Thread.sleep()

    Usually when i need to put some defined waits in Java( i know that it's not good practice, but sometimes it's actually what is needed) i use all well known Thread.sleep(), but what i don't like in this method is that you have to specify time duration in milliseconds.…

  5. Increasing IDE memory limit in IntelliJ IDEA on Mac

    The time has come - at some point 700 Mb of RAM was not enough for one of Java projects i was working on and i decided to increase Java heap size memory to fix that. In older version of IDEA you would probably modify Info.plist file and put…

  6. How much tricks and shortcuts do you know in Intellij IDEA ?

    Just finished watching an awesome video about all kind of tips and tricks of working in the best IDE in the world - Intellij IDEA. If you're using Eclipse still for your projects - throw it away and check this video right now . Here's the link . After it you will…