Setting up Intelij IDEA with Scala
For some reason most of the educators of Scala show their examples and tutorials in Eclipse. Personaly, i don't like it at all and for a long time already i use products from Intelij ( so far i worked with IDEA, PyCharm, Storm and i love all of them) . It appears…
Nice video introduction into Scala
I've recently started to study scala and got to youtube ( very nice material source with tons of interesting lectures) . On Youtube you can find 2 most ground videos about Scala - one is from it's creator - Martin Odersky, the other one is done by funny indian guy - Venkat…
Easy way of adding logging to your test project
Recently i was working on one of our automation projects using Selenium WebDriver with Java bindings and came to an idea that our execution logs are not really informative. It's pretty nice when you can see in logs some useful data that you can use in further debuging when build…
How to install Scala on Mac OS
Recently i started learning Scala, since it's compatible with Java and allows you to write in a more functional way. At a first look i thought that it's Java where you can write in Python way, but it's just my first feeling. I've started a nice course on Coursera and…
How to reset password in MySQL server on Linux and Mac OS machine
It happed to me few times, so i decided to write it down for myself for the future. Sometimes i get back to some server or working machine where MySQL was setup long time ago. It's pretty frustrating when you can't get in because of wrong credentials. So, here's a…
Jenkins Mac OS installer is now available!
 Great news!! Past few years i had some troubles installing Jenkins on Mac os. It's not that i couldn't install it - it worked eventually, but i had to dig into documentation, google how to make things work and try&n&…