1. Select and copy text within Quick Look previews

    I'm a big Apple fan and my first work station was Macbook Air. Now i switched to Macbook pro and recently found a nice solution that allows you to copy text from Quick Look preview - it makes my life way more easier and handy. Here's how you can do…

  2. InstallCert.java - console app that allows you to get and download ssl keys from webservice you're trying to work with

    Recently i was working on one of my Test Frameworks for API and i had to work with https. I faced with : javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target Caused by:…

  3. Nice reporting tool for TestNG tests

    Recently came to the point where i needed to get reports for my TestNG reports and to use them in CI. After some googling i found ReportNG . It provides both XML and HTML reports and is very easy to setup.On original page there's an instruction for setup with…

  4. Add Microsoft SQL JDBC driver to Maven

    Found out today that Maven does not directly support some libraries, like Microsoft’s SQL Server JDBC. The reason for that is that this library is not open source and can be stored in global repository. Anyway, i recently was wondering how to add a library to local maven repository…

  5. Nice and simple converter of Java ResultSet into JSONArray or XML

    Right now i'm working with SOAP UI and responce i get in ResultSet format.Since i preffer to work more with JSON rather then ResultSet, i found this nice solution that perfectly fits my needs.Here's the code : import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.sql.ResultSet;…

  6. Java doesn't resolve remote dns properly and how to deal with it

    I don't think that this story will be short, but it's definitely interesting. So, i got a new project where i need to cover SOAP API with automated tests written on Java. As a start point i have URL to WSDL file to work with. The "tricky" part…