Fixing problem in Intelij IDEA with compiling classes in multi - maven project

Today i had to import multi-maven project from Eclipse to Intelij IDEA and it appeared that sometimes it can be problematic. So, i had couple of maven projects that has common parent pom file where main structure and dependencies are described. Besides that, it has dependencies from another project that is stored in separate git repository. So, to achieve this and to be able to compile and run code succesfully you need to do next :

  • Via Import Wizzard in Intelij IDEA click on parent pom.xml file
  • After that open Maven section in IDEA and click on green "+" button ( add maven project) - add second project on which your first project is dependant ( This is optional only if you have situation same as i do)
  • Open IDEA Settings -> Maven and set Multiproject build fail policy to Fail At End

This helped me and let me succesfully compile the code