How to fix "PackageNotFoundError: importlib_metadata" error in Serverless AWS Lambda

I was building recently a serverless python microservice and for one of the endpoints i needed to implement jsonschema validation. Locally i have built it, covered with unit tests and everything was working just fine. But when i tried to deploy it to AWS Lambda with serverless framework, i ended up with "PackageNotFoundError: importlib_metadata" error. After couple of hours of trials and googling i wasn't able to figure out the solution ( there's not much information about this error on web). Thanks to one of my coleague i managed to finally fix it and the fix is stupid simple : in serverless.yml file i have this block :

    dockerizePip: non-linux
    slim: true
    fileName: requirements/base.txt

In order to make this error go away i just had to change slim from true to false!. It appears that the slim option of serverless-python-requirements plugin is indeed the culprit. The simple option is to turn it off entirely. But the plugin allows more fine grained control. See the config below:

slim: true
slimPatternsAppendDefaults: false
    - "**/*.pyc"
    - "**/*.pyo"
    - "**/__pycache__*"

This config will slim down by deleting all .pyc/.pyo/__pycache__ files and dirs and by stripping the .so libs.

Note the "slimPatternsAppendDefaults=false". The root cause is that the default slim patterns also contain "**/*.dist-info*". Removing these dist-info/ dirs will break importlib_metadata. So we can still use slim, just not with that pattern.
So, in order to make this problem away just set your serverless.yml like this :

    dockerizePip: non-linux
    slim: false
    fileName: requirements/base.txt

Thanks @Freek Wiekmeijer for adding more light on this question in the comments.