1. The Hamming distance task solution

    I was going through new interesting tasks on http://www.checkio.org/ and faced with bytes task about Hamming distance calculation. Here's some theory about this : The Hamming distance between two binary integers is the number of bit positions that differs (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamming_distance)…

  2. Another cool website for beginners who want to learn Python

    Found this today - http://www.checkio.org/ . From my experience i've noticed that learning in a gaming mode goes much better and faster. Besides it's a great motivator to continue studying and getting new perks for successfully finished tasks.  I've already passed all lessons for ruby, python on Codeacademy…

  3. Needed to make Google think that i'm from US

    Since i live in Ukraine right now, sometimes i want to use services that are working only for US citizens. For example Spotify will work for you only if you live in US or in some european countries. I used to user Tunnelbear on my macbook Air and it worked…

  4. Simple HTTP Server that will give serve simple files and can emulate delay before giving response

    On one of my projects i had a task where i needed to make a  simple http server that would give one xml file for our service (Trying to emulate and verify sync between two services). But besides that i had also to check that application behaves properly when you…