Tag: jetbrains

  1. Cmd+Shift+A ( Find Action ) opens Terminal with some weird error in Intellij product

    As someone who uses Jetbrains products a lot, it can be really annoying when I try to use the "Cmd + Shift + A" shortcut to open the "Find Action" menu and a random terminal window pops up with some gibberish error message. Every time I get a…

    on jetbrains find_action terminal shortkut

  2. Adding Jasmine autocomplete to Intellij IDEA

    So, recently i started to learn Javascript and for unit testing i took Karma + Jasmine. But i faced with one problem - in Intellij IDEA there was no autocomplete for Jasmine and all functions were marked as non-existing ones. After some googling i finally managed to find the solution. Here's…

    on jasmine javascript autocomplete unittest jetbrains IDEA