1. Gitlab v14 introduces a breaking change to secrets detection job

    Recently we started to get a pipeline failure in Gitlab for one of our projects. The issues was : jobs secret detection default branch config should implement a script: or a trigger: keyword In this project we were using Gitlab Secrets Detection jobs templates like this : include: - template: Security/SAST.…

    on gitlab secret detection 14

  2. Fixing next.js export path to assets issue

    Recenlty I had to create a simple report page for one of the tools I built and this page had to be fully static, but reading from a JSON file that I would add to it. I'm not a big specialist in Front End and CSS, but I decided to…

    on nextjs react static fix

  3. Generating JSON Schema in Java with "additionalProperties" set to "true"

    Recently i was working on a new tool for contract testing that we decided to develop in New10 from scratch. We decided that we would like to use JSON Schema's for contracts validation and for that i needed to implement several SDK's in typescript, java, python in order to support…

    on jackson json schema java

  4. Fixing "Gitleaks analysis failed" issue in Gitlab pipeline

    In New10 we have recently moved our security scans from Snyk to Security scanner integration. Recently, when i was integrating this with another service, i got this error [INFO] [secrets] [2020-12-31T08:17:48Z] ▶ GitLab secrets analyzer v3.13.1 [INFO] [secrets] [2020-12-31T08:17:48Z] ▶ Running scan from commits file 06efd4ca11ae36382f34720e9eae3e1e6e0_…

    on gitlab gitleaks security scan

  5. Building a folder structure tree recursively with typescript and reduce

    Recenlty i was working on a new CLI tool for my company, where we would have to work a lot with file system and files manipulation. For one of the tasks i needed to have a method that would generate me a directory structure in JSON format with all child…

    on typescript recursive reduce

  6. Generating typescript API client from Swagger

    When it comes to API Test Frameworks, I prefer to generate code and not to write everything manually. In my current company, we managed to build a Test Framework using swagger-codegen and Java bindings. It was relatively simple to set up a process where we would generate API clients using…

    on typescript axios swagger-codegen openapi-generator