1. Handling ThrottlingException in Cloudwatch Goland SDK

    I've been recently working on a new cli tool that was helping our Teams to subscribe cloudwatch log groups to a specific lambda that forwards logs to Datadog. However, when a project has big number of lambda's, we were facing with ThrottlingException from cloudwatch. This allowed me to learn how…

    on go cloudwatch throttlingexception

  2. Running Typescript scratches in Webstorm IDE

    Recently i started to work more closely with Typescript and therefore i need to test some small ideas more often in typescript. Scratches are the best place to do that while you're building something. Unfortunatelly Webstorm doesn't support running typescript scratches out of the box. It can only understand Js…

    on webstorm typescript scratch

  3. Using pytest fixtures in parametrized tests

    Currently i'm working on a project that is supposed to consume all AWS Cloudwatch logs and send them to Datadog. But before sending them to Datadog i need to make series of manipulations with this logs(formatting, sensitive information obfuscating and other nice things). Since Datadog already has serverless forwarder…

    on python pytest fixture parametrized

  4. Markdown + Mindmap = ♥️

    Couple times i was trying to start using mind maps for different purposes. Every time i was failign measerably because of software available on Mac OS for this purpose. Not sure why, but every tool i tried was not really intuitive and useful. Today i found out that you can…

    on markdown mindmap

  5. How to list all lambda subscription filters to every Cloudwatch log group that you have

    Recently i was working on a project that was listening to all our projects cloduwatch log groups and was forwarding them to Datadog. This adapter was doing some data enrichments of the log records and was also doing some obfuscation of sensitive data. At some point i wanted to find…

    on aws lambda cloudwatch python boto3 subscription

  6. How to check with AWS cli if file exists in S3

    Today i was working on adding history trends feature from Allure report to our Integration API Tests Framework and in order to do that i need to implement simple algorithm: Check if folder for specific group of tests history exists If it exists, copy this folder to allure-results folder Generate…

    on aws s3 bash