1. Fixing Docker Error response from daemon: Get https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/: dial tcp: lookup i/o timeout on Mac

    I was working on a project and at some point needed to run a new docker image that wasn't on my machine. When i tried to run it I got this error: docker: Error response from daemon: Get https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/: dial tcp: lookup registry-1.docker.io on…

    on macosx docker-machine docker registry timeout

  2. How to switch between split screens in Intellij products with shortcut

    I love Intellij Products. I love working in Distraction free mode with splitted screens. It can be very handy on big screens. I also love shortcuts and one of the reasons why i love Intellij products is that mostly everything i can do from keyboard and mouse becomes unnessesary in…

    on intellij split shortcut

  3. AWS: ReInvent. Performing chaos engineering in a serverless world

    Thanks to my current employer New10 I was lucky to get to AWS:ReInvent conference this year in Las Vegas. I would like to share my notes on the talks I'm joining, while my memory is "fresh". My first talk was "Performing chaos engineering in a serverless…

    on aws reinvent serverless chaos

  4. Fixing GPG Error Code 2 on Mac OS

    Recently i was trying to publish a new version of my fabricator library. I haven't touched it in a while and it appeared that my setup got a bit outdated. I had to update GPG agent and client, so when i tried to do sbt clean publishSigned i suddenly got…

    on sbt sonatype publishSigned gpg errorcode2

  5. How to fix "Could not execute the lambda function. Make sure you have given CloudWatch Logs permission to execute your function" error in AWS

    I've been banging my head around this Could not execute the lambda function. Make sure you have given CloudWatch Logs permission to execute your function error for couple hours. Was trying to update IAM role for the lambda with different combination, but no luck. After couple times reading documentation i…

    on aws lambda serverless permissions

  6. How to fix Dark screen on iPad in SideCar mode with Mac OS Catalina

    I love SideCar. This is a super handy feature that makes buying an iPad even more reasonable. I read a lot of good feedbacks about SideCar, though I have 2 problems with it: For me, it doesn't work well on WiFi ( Maybe because I have a Wifi router with 3…

    on cataling macosx sidecar ipad black screen fix