1. Find file in Project View in Intellij Idea

    I don't know about you, but i love distraction free mode in Intellij products. I have learned a lot of shortcuts and can't imagine my work life without it. One thing that bothered me a lot was that when i was opening some file, i wanted to find it as…

    on intellij IDEA shortcut

  2. How to groupBy in vanilla javascript

    Currently i need to work with javascript more and more. So, i have to learn how to do same tricks i did in python/java/swift/etc in javascript :) Recenlty I needed to group some data by key and first thing that came to my mind is to use lodash…

    on javascript es6 groupBy

  3. Fixing "io.swagger.client.ApiException: Content type "text/plain" is not supported" problem

    Let's say we have a endpoint definition in swagger like this : /hello: post: summary: Say hello description: '' operationId: sayHello consumes: - text/plain produces: - application/json parameters: - in: body name: body required: false schema: type: string responses: '200': description: successful operation schema: $ref: '#/definitions/Hello' You…

    on swagger-codegen swagger java

  4. Keeping your serverless project size nice and clean

    At New10, as a Software Engineer in Test, i'm quite often build some small serverless projects that help our teams to make test automation and debugging of our system. Easier. I'm working now more and more with things like yarn, javascript and serverless framework. Today i discovered a nice yarn…

    on javascript serverless yarn npm

  5. Cool git trick for setting author

    Don't know about you, but in the past i had couple times burned myself when wrong git configuration of the project was making me to commit things under wrong author. I'm using my work laptop for personal projects as well, so sometimes i mix "identities" and get in…

  6. How to pretty print JSON in bash console

    Recently i was playing with Swagger Codegen tool and i needed to look at available configuration fields for java language. You can do it easily by running : curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 'https://generator.swagger.io/api/gen/clients/java' But, as an output, you'll get this : {"…

    on swagger-codegen javascript bash json prettyprint