1. How to fix docker-machine installation on Mac OS X

    Recently i got a new macbook pro and i started setting it up. Everything was going great until i tried to install docker and create default docker machine. After i installed Docker for Mac, i tried to start virtual machine : docker-machine create -d virtualbox default Running pre-create checks... Creating machine.…

    on virtualbox docker docker-machine macosx

  2. Reading plist resource from your iOS Framework library

    Currently at my work i'm writing a lot of XCUITest tests and therefore have to work closely to iOS development field and Swift ( which is exciting). However, moving from Scala/Java/Python field into this new language is a bit challenging, since iOS world works a lot different. So, in…

    on swift frameword plist

  3. Opening local version of Allure report with Chrome

    Recently I was trying to integrate Allure report with some Webdriver tests I was writing with py.test. I did everything like it was said in the documentation : Install allure cli with brew install allure Add pytest-allure-adaptor==1.7.7 dependency to requirements.txt Add steps annotations to Page Object…

    on allure pytest

  4. How to import checkstyle rules into Intellij IDEA code format rules

    While i was working on different open source projects, i was facing with one issue - every project would have their own code style rules. Most of them are described with codestyle.xml file. That's good, because you can run something like ./gradle clean check and it will output you…

    on checkstyle IDEA intelij_idea

  5. TestNG Test Annotations Order

    Don't know about you, but i keep forgetting the right order of Test run Annotations order. Especially if i work on JUnit and TestNG projects at the same time ( yeah, it's quite common). So, this article is basically for me in the first place - so i could look up…

    on testng annotation

  6. Why rest-assured doesn't redirect POST requests ?

    If you guys like testing API's like i do, then you might face with issue when you try to make a POST request with rest-assured and expect to be redirected to another URL. If you read documentation before, then you would probably try one of this things : For a specific…

    on http rest-assured 302