1. Find file in Project View in Intellij Idea

    I don't know about you, but i love distraction free mode in Intellij products. I have learned a lot of shortcuts and can't imagine my work life without it. One thing that bothered me a lot was that when i was opening some file, i wanted to find it as…

    on intellij IDEA shortcut

  2. How to import checkstyle rules into Intellij IDEA code format rules

    While i was working on different open source projects, i was facing with one issue - every project would have their own code style rules. Most of them are described with codestyle.xml file. That's good, because you can run something like ./gradle clean check and it will output you…

    on checkstyle IDEA intelij_idea

  3. Adding Jasmine autocomplete to Intellij IDEA

    So, recently i started to learn Javascript and for unit testing i took Karma + Jasmine. But i faced with one problem - in Intellij IDEA there was no autocomplete for Jasmine and all functions were marked as non-existing ones. After some googling i finally managed to find the solution. Here's…

    on jasmine javascript autocomplete unittest jetbrains IDEA

  4. Fixing problem in Intelij IDEA with compiling classes in multi - maven project

    Today i had to import multi-maven project from Eclipse to Intelij IDEA and it appeared that sometimes it can be problematic. So, i had couple of maven projects that has common parent pom file where main structure and dependencies are described. Besides that, it has dependencies from another project that…

    on intelij_idea IDEA maven multi maven project