1. Very nice and short video on what is "Event Loop" in Java

    I wanted to learn Javascript for a while, but couldn't find time for it . However, one of my coleagues sent me the link of a video about how JavaScript Runtime works and what is a "Event Loop" in general. If you're interested, then find 25 minutes to watch…

  2. Easily measuring code execution time in Scala

    Recently i was working on big list generation in Scala and was wondering how much time does every approach takes in same conditions. Let's say that we need to create a list of Ints in range from 1 to 1000 with step == 1. You could do this in couple ways…

    on scala time

  3. "readlink: illegal option -- f" problem solution on Mac

    Hey in case you are happy user of Mac Os, you might face the "readlink --f unrecognized option" problem. This command is originally works on unix based systems, but on bsd it won't work. For mac users who use brew this can be easily fixed by next steps…

  4. Fabricator - my first publication to public repository

    This is actually happenned ! Last year i had a dream - i wanted to create a library that i will publish to Maven Centrar repository, so not only me , but the rest of the world could use it. I took me a year to finalize first version of Fabricator and…

    on scala sbt java maven fabricator bintray

  5. Fix for "gpg: [don’t know]: invalid packet (ctb=2d) " error

    In case if you're decided to publish some code to public repository, you'll have to provide a gpg key as a proof that it's actually you posting this code. But sometimes you can face with gpg: [don’t know]: invalid packet (ctb=2d) problem. Basically it means that your trustdb.…

    on scala sbt gpg

  6. How to run Java TestNG tests with sbt

    Recently i published my first version of fabricator library to central maven repository and bintray . While i was checking published library, i found out that in Java projects there are some minor discrepancies and problems with methods naming and default arguments of methods parameters, which work fine in scala project.…