Tag: scala

  1. Easily measuring code execution time in Scala

    Recently i was working on big list generation in Scala and was wondering how much time does every approach takes in same conditions. Let's say that we need to create a list of Ints in range from 1 to 1000 with step == 1. You could do this in couple ways…

    on scala time

  2. Fabricator - my first publication to public repository

    This is actually happenned ! Last year i had a dream - i wanted to create a library that i will publish to Maven Centrar repository, so not only me , but the rest of the world could use it. I took me a year to finalize first version of Fabricator and…

    on scala sbt java maven fabricator bintray

  3. Fix for "gpg: [don’t know]: invalid packet (ctb=2d) " error

    In case if you're decided to publish some code to public repository, you'll have to provide a gpg key as a proof that it's actually you posting this code. But sometimes you can face with gpg: [don’t know]: invalid packet (ctb=2d) problem. Basically it means that your trustdb.…

    on scala sbt gpg

  4. Easy steps to install Scala and SBT on your Mac

    So, i had to setup Scala and SBT real quick on my Mac and had to google it again:) Since i try to keep in this blog all the handy tricks and manual i find in the web during my work, i think that this topic should be also covered…

    on scala sbt macosx installation

  5. Adding simple logging to scala project

    Recently i wanted to add some simple logging to tests in my scala project so it would be easier to understand with wich generated values i'm facing in each test. After some trials i came up to this nice and easy solution To set it up you just need to…

    on scala logging

  6. How to build jar out of your scala project using assembly

    Currenty, in my free time, i'm working on my own project that will allow in the future to generate beautiful and meaningful test data for automated tests. The idea is to have it as a jar file that will be either included into project manually, or via maven. That's why…

    on scala sbt jar assembly