1. Easy way of getting all fields available in your JIRA instance

    Recently i needed to get a full list of all fields that we have in jira just to build a map between screens and fields we want to have in each screen on every transition. I'm lazy and therefore , i decided to just write a small python script to achieve…

    on python jira fields rest

  2. Hotfix for problem of running phpunit 4.2.x in latest PHPStorm 7.1

    As for today, there's a bug in PHPStorm that doesn't let you run phpunit tests from IDE. Basically it throws : PHP Warning: require_once(PHPUnit/Runner/Version.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /private/var/folders/p1/nz_pbm0j34sd4c9hd35lc55c00013_/T/ide-phpunit.php on line 39…

    on phpStorm phpunit php hotfix error

  3. Easy steps to install Scala and SBT on your Mac

    So, i had to setup Scala and SBT real quick on my Mac and had to google it again:) Since i try to keep in this blog all the handy tricks and manual i find in the web during my work, i think that this topic should be also covered…

    on scala sbt macosx installation

  4. Easily copy your ssh public key to the server

    Do you know that anoying feeling when you have to type passwords every time you ssh to some dev or test server? Specially when your security measures are high and you have to copy this password from some keystore manager like 1Password or Keepas? Well, i don't remmember this feeling…

    on macosx public_key ssh-copy-id

  5. Running two Skype accounts at the same time on a Mac

    So, as you may know, i have changed my job recently and became a Test Lead:) One of the rules in the company was to have a separate work skype account just for internal use. Not the best option for me, but it's no big deal:) In my primary skype…

  6. Installing Java SDK 7 on Mac OS X

    Since today i started to work as a Team Lead in a new cool company Portavita . As a result, i got a new nice working laptop - Macbook Pro ( can't imagine myself working by anything except apple computers:) ), which i had to setup from scratch, as usual:) And so, you…

    on macosx jdk7