1. Found my own solution for WebDriver "StaleElementReferenceException" problem

    Currenlty i'm working on a WebDriver framework using Java bindings and i kept facing one problem pretty often - "StaleElementReferenceException". I think this is a big pain in the ass for every UI Automation Engineer who's working with WebDriver. I tried several approaches to fix this problem and…

    on webdriver java staleElementReferenceException retry

  2. How to capture screenshots on WebDriver failure

    Let's say that you have your nice WebDriver project that does some tests already. Now, you're moving this tests to Jenkins, so they would run all the time. But you face another problem - you get some errors, exceptions but it's not always obvious what went wrong and why button…

    on webdriver java screenshot

  3. Quick solution to java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/openqa/selenium/HasInputDevices error

    In case if you face this problem, one of the possible solutions that will work for you is to make sure that your pom.xml file is up to date and you use right version of webdriver and selenium java bindings. Here's what helped me <dependency> <groupId&…

  4. Solution for "Scala compile server java.net.BindException: Address already in use" error

    Recently i faced with this "Address already in use " error while studying scala and decided to make a note here for a solution that i've found. It worked for me, so someone else could also use it. Here is a manual solution of a such situation (instruction for…

  5. Now i can explain any complex shell command easily

    Found this really cool website today in the morning. It's called explainshell.com. It is designed for one simple reason - to explain you any shell command that you enter. In a really nice and beautiful manner. Here's an example :…

  6. ohmyz - very cool replacement of boring standard bash console

    If you use console a lot ( or not that much) you simply have to install this nice tool . Ton's of plugins and themes, very nice and helpful autocomplete for bunch of applications and services : git jira github composer macports brew osx nodejs and so on so on If you still…